A few years ago, I came across a heartwarming story of a precious one-year old baby girl who discovered a whole new world when she was able to see clearly for the first time. Over a set of months, her parents increasingly observed visible symptoms with her eyes and eventually took their child to see an ophthalmologist, discovering their little one had very poor vision and needed corrective lenses.
Sporting pink frames, this child of God is now overjoyed that she can see her parents and her siblings, not to mention her new perfect view of the world around her.
A college student experienced something similar after encountering the power of the gospel through The Rescue Project. This is what she shared with us:
“I am currently watching your videos and it has been very refreshing and inspiring. Your presentation of the gospel has inspired a lot of my fellow students, and several have been watching The Rescue Project as part of their Bible studies and small groups. I’m feeling more confident that God loves me …” She continued, “Looking at the world through a biblical lens has certainly changed my life. I continue to pray for you and your team.”
college student
The Rescue Project presents the gospel of Jesus Christ, the ultimate “corrective lens,” correcting our distorted vision of the world and ourselves, allowing us to see who God is, what He has done on our behalf, and His plan and purpose for our lives. On this beautiful Feast of the Immaculate Conception, let’s thank and praise God that He has provided for us a sinless vessel through whom Our Rescuer entered our world. Let’s ask Our Lady to pray for us as we seek to share with everyone that Jesus has broken into our world to rescue us and to give us all corrective lenses.
Your sister on mission,
Quote of the Week
Touched last week by the following commentary on the response of Peter and Andrew to Jesus’ call to follow Him, I thought it worth sharing, as we continue to get clarity on our mission once we’ve been overwhelmed by the gospel and surrendered to Jesus in faith.
“Life according to the Gospel, following Jesus without conditions—is only for adventuresome and imaginative hearts, hearts that want to go beyond, to go higher, hearts that want to penetrate the divine reality of things. Evangelical living is not for the lukewarm, that is, those who do not have the faith that trusts absolutely in the one who has called them. Jesus calls us freely, unconditionally; to respond to him adequately we must respond in the same way.”
– Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis, Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word: Meditations on the Gospel according to Saint Matthew

Rescate in 2023
We are very close to having the final version of the Spanish translation of The Rescue Project. For now, you can visit the (mostly) Spanish site at Rescate.us.
Please God, all the videos will be dubbed and available to watch in January 2023.

What We’re Hearing

“The Rescue Project was so easy to run with all your resources. We just trusted the Holy Spirit to do His thing… and He did. What Acts XXIX has put together and Fr. Riccardo preaches so well is reaching hearts and truly overwhelming people with the gospel.”
– Tina Burtch, Director of Evangelization and Faith Formation, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, Newark, OH
Upcoming Events
Please tune in to our podcast, You Were Born For This, with me and Fr. John on Monday, December 12th. We recently had a conversation with Fr. Thomas Haan, Pastor of St. Louis de Montfort in Fishers, Indiana, and Brian Freyberger and Jeff Hess. We talked about how and why they launched a parish-wide running of The Rescue Project. If your parish is thinking and praying about offering The Rescue Project, you may find this conversation to be deeply inspiring and helpful.
Our next Livestream will be on January 23, 2023. We will be continuing our conversations on how to bring transformation to the Church.