I’m Just Starting to Learn Who Jesus Is
We often say in ACTS XXIX that we get a front row seat, a privileged place, to witness the power of the gospel breaking into people’s lives. Perhaps those of you who are currently running The Rescue Project know what we’re talking about.
St. Paul writes in Romans 1:16 that the gospel is the “power of God for salvation.” Note the word “power,” my friends. This “power” is potent, explosive, mighty and life-changing, so much so that a retired priest who recently experienced the gospel commented, “I’m just now starting to learn who Jesus is.”
This is what The Rescue Project is all about, my brothers and sisters. It’s our prayer that everyone would have the same experience as this priest. And when we do, may we “give thanks to the Lord, tell his name, and make known his deeds among the peoples” (Psalms 105:1). Why? Because rescued people, rescue people!
Enjoy all the glorious news in this week’s Rescue Rundown! We testify only to what God is doing, for His glory!
Your sister on mission,
Mary Guilfoyle

Spanish Resources (Recursos en español)
Coming Early 2023!
Many of you have reached out inquiring when The Rescue Project and our companion resources will be available in Spanish. While the website is already translated and the videos are already subtitled in Spanish, we’re currently in the process of translating our companion resources and dubbing the videos, hoping to make them available early in 2023. Stay connected for more updates.
Check Out Our Updated Resource Page
Check out our recently freshened resource page. You’ll find an easier-to-read format to access everything you’re looking for, from sample worship playlists, to prayer ministry support, to small group training content. Please let us know what you’re looking for or what’s missing. We’ll be happy to equip you with all that you need to run a fruitful experience for you and your small group.
Update Your Calendars!
Revised Livestream Schedule
As some of you may already know, our missionary travels, coupled with our recent office move, have led us to revise our livestream schedule. Our next livestream is tomorrow, Friday, October 14 at 1:30 pm ET, where we will be talking about Episode 4, “It Gets Worse.” Father John and I will discuss the consequences of the Fall, the captivity of Sin and Death, and the Enemy as the ruler of this world. You won’t want to miss this conversation! If you’re unable to join us live, all the conversations are recorded for your convenience.
If you wish to participate in the chat or the Q&A session directly, please make sure you click on the Vimeo link available on https://RescueProject.us/Livestream
Excitement is Growing in Indiana and Ohio!
Jeff Hess of St. Elizabeth Seton in Indiana attended our equipping day in August and returned to his parish to run The Rescue Project. A couple weeks ago they kicked off their launch with 216 people. Jeff commented, “The first session was like an appetizer for the rest of the talks and people love it. They have no idea what is coming!” Take a look at this enthusiastic group of folks together discovering The Story!
We’ve Been Expecting You, Welcome! Fr. David Sizemore, Pastor of St. Francis de Sales Parish in Newark, OH alongside Evangelization and Faith Formation Director, Tina Burtch, have rolled out The Rescue Project with an amazing team of 30 leaders.
Opening their Run Rescue training to Blessed Sacrament in Newark and St. Christopher in Columbus, this dynamic group is already raising leaders outside their parish. St. Francis de Sales has 10 small groups with a waitlist for January, 2023. Leveraging hospitality, beauty and childcare at no expense to those who come, their guests have clearly received the message Tina wants communicated – “We’ve been expecting you! Welcome!”
During one of their post-session huddles, 20 small group leaders and co-leaders were asked to share one word that best described their experience of session one. Here are just a few: engaged, inspired, informative, hopeful, wonderful, awesome, amazing and exciting. Glory to God!
Proclaim and The Rescue Project in Columbus: A New Partnership. The Diocese of Columbus will be promoting The Rescue Project on their Proclaim website that launches in November. Proclaim, an initiative that began in the Archdiocese of Vancouver, BC, is a resource designed for local evangelization leaders, highlighting opportunities and stories to equip and inspire leaders. They will redirect leaders to our website, highlighting our finalized equipping videos from 4PM Media (due in December), and our weekly livestreams. They will also feature local testimonies in Columbus as people experience Rescue. With this exciting new partnership, The Rescue Project will gain even more momentum in this exceptional diocese where we have been blessed with so many rich friendships. Come, Holy Spirit and set the Columbus Diocese on fire!
More Diocesan News! Some diocesan leaders in the dioceses of Biloxi, Toledo and Wichita are running The Rescue Project together with their teams, experiencing transformation, deeper friendship and healing. Praise God! Those in Wichita are meeting in homes, recognizing that our homes are to be a place of welcome, evangelization and accompaniment.

St. Christopher Parish, Columbus, Ohio
It’s been said that there are two kinds of people – heroes and poets. Jesus is the hero. We are his poets. How blessed are we that we get to tell others about who Jesus is and what He has done for us to a lonely, discouraged and despairing world. This week, ask the Lord to show you who in your life needs to hear the potent, explosive, mighty and life-changing news that is the gospel and then share The Rescue Project with them, for apart from Jesus, this world is a desolate wasteland.
What We’re Hearing
“One hyphenated word to describe The Rescue Project: life-changing. Although I grew up a practicing Catholic and attended Catholic school through 12th grade, I never heard the gospel in such a powerful, yet simple way until attending The Rescue Project. As the disciples took every possible moment to sit at the feet of Jesus and soak in His teaching, I chose to do the same with Fr. John Riccardo. The Rescue Project can and will change many lives. And these changed lives will set the world on fire with the love of Jesus Christ.” – Rescue Project participant, Memphis, TN
Quote for the Week!
“We need heralds of the gospel who are experts in humanity, who know in depth the hearts of the men of today, who participate in their joys and hopes, concerns and sorrows, and at the same time are persons in love with God.” – St John Paul II, Address to the Symposium of the Council of the European Bishops’ Conference, October 11, 1985, n. 13.