A Holy Invasion
In Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis describes the world as “enemy-occupied territory” and that “Christianity is the story of how the rightful King has landed, you might say landed in disguise.” I’m pondering this provocative way of thinking about the Incarnation as in a few days we embark upon the great season of Advent, a time of waiting, expectation and hope.
Lewis’ description reminds us of another invasion, the day the Allies landed in Normandy on June 6, 1944. Ann Frank writes of this event in her diary this way: “The invasion has begun! Is this really the beginning of the long-awaited liberation? The liberation we all talked so much about, which still seems too good, too much of a fairy tale ever to come true. The best part of the invasion is that I have the feeling that friends are on the way …the thought of friends and salvation means everything to us.”
Soon we will bring out our nativity scenes from storage and dust them off, displaying them in our parishes and our homes. And as we do, are we pondering anew why Jesus came? As we cast our gaze upon Him nestled in the poverty of the manger, does it look like there’s any possible way this little One will lead the greatest invasion in all of human history, bringing liberation, healing and freedom to those of us who had no hope had He not come? Has it ever entered our minds that this baby “in disguise” has come to go to war for us? To rescue us?

In these beautiful days that lie ahead, may the Holy Spirit inspire us to think and pray about these things, this holy invasion, so that when Christmas arrives our hearts will be opened afresh to the reality of what the Incarnation is all about. And let’s pray about who the Lord may be calling us to invite to The Rescue Project in the New Year.
Your sister on mission,
The Mission Grows!

To our friends in Arkansas, welcome!
We’re so excited you’ve connected with The Rescue Project. You are the 49th state in the country to join us on mission. Reach out and let us know how we can walk with you as you bring the life-changing news of the gospel to the good people of Arkansas!
(now let’s go rescue Utah!)
Marketing and Branding Resources

See if you can find our card on this bulletin board in Salem, Oregon!
As you prepare to bring The Rescue Project to your parish, home, campus or workplace, consider creating these business sized invitation cards and launch a “Grab a Stack” campaign as you promote, market and invite people to your group. They’re the perfect size for your wallet, purse or money clip and good to have on hand when you’re eating out to pass along to your server, favorite barista or pinning to your local community bulletin board.
Take a look at our marketing and branding assets here!
Hear how Fr. John shares the gospel in 5 minutes;
learn how you can too!

We had the extraordinary blessing to speak to 300 people from 100 parishes in the Archdiocese of Portland at their Pastoral Assembly last week. During our time there we had a chance to share The Rescue Project with them and extended an invitation to return to lead a live equipping event for their clergy and lay leaders. We look forward to returning to help mobilize our friends for mission in Oregon!

Last week the ACTS XXIX team was in Denver leading a retreat for the deacons and their wives as well as launching our Institute for Apostolic Leadership to a group of priests and their teams. Over 300 people were offered a taste of The Rescue Project and are eager to bring this global gospel experience to their parishes and their homes in Denver. May God be praised!

Archbishop Joseph Naumann has shared Fr. John’s book, Rescued: The Unexpected and Extraordinary News of the Gospel with every priest in the archdiocese and has asked that all pastors preach on the kerygma throughout Advent. Emily Lopez, lead consultant of the adult evangelization office, developed homily resources to accompany the Sunday readings. Please hold this preaching series in prayer! To read more, click here.

What’s Next?
Join our next Livestream!
December 2, 2022 at 1 pm ET
Retreat Week
The Rescue Project teams at St. Louis de Montfort and St. Elizabeth Seton held their retreat, bearing great fruit and changing lives. Susan McIntosh, who facilitated a small group said, “We didn’t want The Rescue Project to end. Many blessings were received but I also believe many of us felt a tremendous healing within our parish. God has a plan and mission for St.Elizabeth Seton!”

College Rescue!
¨The Rescue Project is transforming the hearts of many college students. I currently lead a Bible study with 10 of my cross-country teammates and we have been watching the Rescue Project videos as part of the study. The Episode ´The Enemy is the Enemy´ really hit home for all of us. It is so easy to compare yourself to others, especially teammates. Even amidst the crowd of women on the starting line and mid race, God only sees us individually as his beloved daughters …It was truly beautiful to hear everyone say in their own words how they see the lies from the devil taking over areas of their lives where they are not free.¨ – College student leader and athlete
What We’re Hearing
“I saw God in every person at my table. I experienced God in every chapter presented. I did not know what to expect and was blown away by the way that God spoke to me directly.” -Rescue Project participant
“I have been to many retreats, conferences, discussion groups, and soul-searching events and this is the best in my many years! I am sharing The Rescue Project with my children and grandchildren and old high school buddies. It’s a difference maker!” – Rescue Project participant