Every week we have the sweet grace of hearing from people both inside and outside the country, as well as inside and outside the Church. We receive letters, emails and texts from clergy, diocesan and parish leaders, as well as seminarians and lay faithful testifying to what God is doing through The Rescue Project. Their joy-filled words paint a beautiful picture of lives transformed.
Their joy is contagious and it deeply impacts our team at ACT XXIX. It’s this caliber of joy that offers a compelling witness to Christianity. It’s the hallmark of a Christian. How desperate our world and Church are for joy! Peter Kreeft speaks to the impact of joy when he writes, “There is one really strong and unanswerable argument for Christianity. Joyful Christians, honest Christians, selfless Christians, saintly Christians. The world can be saved only by the Church and the Church can be saved only by saints. Be one. Help save the Church and the world.”
May we always be filled with indescribable joy so that we too, like the Apostles, may boldly bear witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. The world and the Church needs us!
Enjoy all the news in this week’s edition of the Rescue Rundown. We’re so grateful for all of you!
Your sister on mission,
We’re hearing from a number of seminary rectors about how they are finding The Rescue Project a powerful experience, especially early on, for helping the men acquire a biblical worldview and to dive more seriously into discerning their response to what God has done for us in Jesus. This is so encouraging! Glory to God! How critical it is to embark on the journey to priesthood with a sense of the drama that we’re all called to take part in. There is, obviously, a dire need for men to answer Jesus’ call to follow Him as His ordained ministers, confident in His Lordship, and eager to go and rescue others. Let us be ever-more intentional about holding all the men in seminary in prayer, and pray too for an increase in vocations to the priesthood.
Spring Store is now OPEN
It’s back! Our Rescue Project Store is now open friends. Shop for your favorite Rescue Project swag for both men and women and grab a hat for the summer while you’re there. Take a look and place your order soon! The store will be open until May 4.

We would love to know where God is moving, and to connect friends looking for a Rescue Project group. Would you consider registering your Rescue? You can register by visiting rescueproject.us and clicking on the banner at the top of the page or by completing this simple form. Thank you!

FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 2023 AT 1:30 PM ET.
Please join Fr. John and me tomorrow, Friday, April 21 at 1:30 PM EST as we talk about our desire to launch a global prayer initiative. We need people all over the world to pray for the mission of ACTS XXIX whose desire is to help get God’s world back. You won’t want to miss the conversation.
“My friend invited me to The Rescue Project and I said, ‘What’s Rescue? That sounds like first aid or CPR.’ Then I came and all my questions and prayers were answered. Now I know Rescue is first aid from Jesus’.”
TRP participant