The end of the year is often a time to ponder and reflect, a time to look back on the last twelve months, calling to mind those moments that have marked our lives in one way or another. Our ACTS XXIX family did just that at the close of 2022, and not surprisingly, we all agreed that one of the greatest graces of the year was the launch of the global gospel movement, The Rescue Project.
Since mid-August, we’ve been overwhelmed with stories from men and women, young and not-so-young, speaking of the freedom, healing, liberation and reconciliation they’ve experienced as they journeyed through The Rescue Project. Scores of people – bishops, priests, deacons, seminarians, families, singles, businessmen and women, professors, teachers, students and athletes are getting mobilized for mission and are on fire to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those God has placed in their lives. The Rescue Project is being offered in OCIA, men’s groups, women’s ministries, in homes and across college campuses and is bearing remarkable fruit. Only God can do such glorious things!
Our ACTS XXIX family often comment to one another that God, in His indescribable kindness, has given us a front row seat to watch Him move in power. Truly this privileged seat surpasses even a 50 yard line front row seat at a college playoff football game!
Inspired by all that we’ve witnessed God doing in the lives of people through The Rescue Project, we’re confident He has more for His people in 2023. And in an effort to help Him get His world back, we have more exciting resources to share with you to help equip you to set out upon the greatest rescue mission in all of human history, to reach more people, to bring more hearts to Jesus, to bring them hope, to rescue people and set them free.
God is on the move. Let’s join Him!
Your sister on mission,
Mary Guilfoyle

¡Buenas noticias! ¡Los videos de RESCATE en español ya están disponibles! (The Rescue Project in Spanish)
We have great news: the Spanish dubbing of The Rescue Project videos are available now! Thanks to 4PM Media and Farhat Advanced Interpreting, The Rescue Project will reach and impact our Spanish speaking brothers and sisters in the US and across the world.
The videos are available on the Spanish version of our site:
Spanish versions of “The Story Guide” and the “Running Rescue Guide” will be made available by print on demand in mid-Spring. Stay tuned for more details!

The final version of our equipping series, Running Rescue, is now available as well, just in time to help you equip your leaders and teams to bring The Rescue Project to your parish, small group, school or family. Take a look at the great work of 4PM Media to make these equipping videos more engaging and accessible.
Go to:

Please join us every month, beginning Monday, January 23 at 11 AM EDT for the launch of our monthly livestream with me and Fr. John. We’re eager to connect with you!
“This is what your little missionary team is doing! You are inspiring a new generation! More specifically, you are inspiring our little missionary team here at Wichita State University! When The Rescue Project launched this fall, I immediately made the decision to start leading a group of college students through it. Needless to say, it is starting to give shape to your quote, ‘This isn’t the God I knew growing up’ in numerous college students’ lives. Even here in Wichita, which is an extremely Catholic diocese, filled with an Adoration chapel on every corner, I am not convinced many people are living with Jesus and know the story of the gospel. I have started a Sunday night young adult group, along with my weekly mission on campus, that I hope to lead through The Rescue Project as well. So, THANK YOU!”
FOCUS Missionary, Wichita State University
Within 24 hours of launch we had subscribers in 40 states and 7 countries in both the web and iOS app.