Most people have never been overwhelmed by the power of the gospel, let alone surrendered their lives to Jesus. And quite simply, there is no hope apart from Him, because no one else has done or can do what He has done.
What is it?
Simply put, a one-day gospel revival! Thousands of people coming together for a powerful experience of the gospel, worship, fellowship, and the call to mobilize for mission.
Want to host in your city?
The single-most critical component in making a Rescue Live revival fruitful is the host city team. This team drives event management, including fundraising, promotion, venue selection, registration, liturgy coordination, hospitality, volunteers, and potential next steps.
The ideal venue is an attractive, secular location where people can experience radical hospitality, beauty, friendship and excellence in all things. These venues need to warmly accommodate small groups and provide high quality audio-visual technology.

Most people have never been overwhelmed by the power of the gospel, let alone surrendered their lives to Jesus. And quite simply, there is no hope apart from Him, because no one else has done or can do what He has done.
What is it?
Simply put, a one-day gospel revival! Thousands of people coming together for a powerful experience of the gospel, worship, fellowship, and the call to mobilize for mission.
Want to host in your city?
The single-most critical component in making a Rescue Live revival fruitful is the host city team. This team drives event management, including fundraising, promotion, venue selection, registration, liturgy coordination, hospitality, volunteers, and potential next steps.
The ideal venue is an attractive, secular location where people can experience radical hospitality, beauty, friendship and excellence in all things. These venues need to warmly accommodate small groups and provide high quality audio-visual technology.

¿Por Qué ?
La mayoría de las personas nunca han sido abrumados por el evangelio, y no se han sometido al Señor Jesus. Aparte del Señor Jesus, no tenemos esperanzo, pues solamente Él ha hecho lo que Él hizo.
¿Qué es ?
En pocas palabras: ¡avivamiento del evangelio! Miles de personas celebrando la experiencia del evangelio y el llamado a movilizarse para la misión.
¿Desea promoverlo en su ciudad ?
El aspecto más significativo es la importancia de los anfitriones en cada ciudad. Los anfitriones impulsan la recaudación de fondos, la promoción, la gestión de eventos, el registro, la coordinación litúrgica, la hospitalidad, los voluntarios y el seguimiento.
El evento ocurrirá en un lugar atractivo y secular donde personas tienen una experiencia de una manera auténticamente humana: hospitalidad radical, inmersa de belleza y excelencia en todas las cosas. El lugar deberá de acomodar a grupos pequeños y tener buena tecnología.