Two Significant Partners Join the Movement!
“How can [we] repay the Lord for all His goodness to [us]?”
This passage from Psalm 116:12 comes to mind this week as we share with you so much great news in this edition of the Rescue Rundown! God continues to shower His favor on The Rescue Project, allowing for an ever greater exposure of the gospel to hundreds of thousands of people.
For those of you who faithfully pray for the missionary team of ACTS XXIX and have covered The Rescue Project in prayer, your efforts are bearing fruit. Know that we thank God for each of you. Keep the prayers coming!

Our Next Livestream this Friday!
Missed our first two livestream conversations? Join us on Friday afternoons at 1:30pm EST. Simply login to our website, click on “livestream” and then “join on Vimeo.” Friends are telling us that they’re finding these conversations helpful as they step into offering the experience. By the way, these livestreams are recorded for your convenience if you miss us live.
In our last newsletter, we featured an exciting story from St. Louis de Montfort and St. Elizabeth Seton in Fishers, Indiana. As you watch the videos or launch The Rescue Project in your home or parish, share your stories by emailing us at [email protected] so we can share with everyone what God is doing.
By the way, if you’re on a college campus and running The Rescue Project, we would love to hear from you too!
Equipping Videos: Now Online! As you may remember, we held a live day of equipping in Michigan last month and invited 4PM Media to film it. They’ve just made available the first cut and the videos are uploaded to our website. Check them out!
The final version of our videos will be available before the end of the year. This content, coupled with our companion resources, is offered as a means to equip you to run The Rescue Project in your context.
The Rescue Project and the USCCB; Bishop Andrew Cozzens recently asked ACTS XXIX if the USCCB’s National Eucharistic Revival website could feature The Rescue Project on their “learn” platform, which means that close to 1 million people will be introduced to the experience. We replied with a resounding,“YES!” Please God,The Rescue Project can play a role in leading many, many more to a deeper faith in the Eucharist.
Heroic Men, a free Catholic streaming platform that sources tremendous Catholic content for men will also be hosting The Rescue Project.
The Gospel in Five(ish) Minutes
Many of you have asked us to share with you how Father John shares the gospel in five minutes. We recently filmed Father and have uploaded this video.
You can find it by clicking the here.
What We’re Hearing
“In my six years of serving on a college campus, I have not seen as immediate and as strong of a response from a group of college students to a message as I did in the days of our retreat led by the Rescue Project team. This message gives a deep understanding of the truth, a compelling reason for hope, and freedom for young people to know that, despite the efforts of the world and the enemy, they have a God who loves them enough to take on the miseries of sin and death so that they do not have to. Our students have been on fire and living with greater freedom in the two months following.” – Shane Neyrey, FOCUS Team Director at LSU
“The Rescue Project is uniting our divided parish!” – parishioner from the United States
Father, grant us a heart like Yours we beg; a heart that hungers for those who have yet to experience Your rescuing power. Give us a desire to seek the lost. May we not rest until every one of Your children is rescued. Father, please give us the eyes to see who it is You are inviting us to share The Rescue Project with this week. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Your sister on mission,
Mary Guilfoyle
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel; it is the power of God for salvation.”
– Romans 1:16