Recently, an article published by the Catholic News Agency reported some interesting statistics on Mass attendance by country. The numbers were both enlightening and convicting. The country with the highest percentage of Catholics attending Mass was…Nigeria, with 94% of Catholics attending weekly or more. This is despite the intense persecution that is going on in that country. At first glance this might be surprising to some of us. One would be tempted to think that opposition, and not just in words but in actual threats to one’s life, would lead to people not going to Mass. However, it’s always been the case that “the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church” (Tertullian). Let us be inspired by the faith of our brothers and sisters in Nigeria! And let us pray for them and all those who worship Jesus at great risk. Meanwhile, in our own country, the number is a mere 17% of Catholics attending Mass weekly or more. Sigh. There is work to do!
These are tragic numbers for those of us living in the United States. Ours is a culture that is incessantly evangelizing, regularly lifting up many names other than the name of Jesus – names we hear proclaimed, esteemed, worshiped, honored and see followed but who simply can’t deliver what only Jesus can and who can’t rescue from the clutches of the enemy. This hungry and thirsty generation needs to know the story.
And yet, we have incredible reasons for hope! My friends, we’re living in a target rich environment for the gospel and this is why we’re witnessing such amazing fruit in The Rescue Project. “Lord, who is like you who rescues the weak from the strong and the poor from the oppressor?” (Ps. 35:10). The answer is no one! Only Jesus, the name above all names!
Jesus promised, “When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people to myself” (John 12:32). We are so blessed in ACTS XXIX to have a share in lifting up His name. Read on, please, and be encouraged by what is happening across the globe.
Your sister on mission,
Mary Guilfoyle

Brothers, you’re invited to join Heroic Men for a on- hour LIVE event and conversation tonight, February 9 at 7pm CT when Father John will again share why Jesus matters! To reserve your spot, register here!
FEBRUARY 24, 2023 AT 3:30 PM ET.
Oh, and by the way, please pray for our technology because we really want to chat with all of you!
It looks like the Diocese of Columbus is on a rescue mission! Elizabeth Christy shared this beautiful picture of 120 leaders from 4 parishes who gathered on January 11 to experience The Rescue Project and to be equipped to bring Rescue to their parishes. They’ll continue for the next two months together. Join us in praying for these men and women. As always, great work, Liz!

Our good friend and soon to be ACTS XXIX intern, Deacon Mark Moriarty of Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland has launched The Rescue Project at St. John the Baptist Catholic parish in Tralee (great golf course, by the way). Please join us in praying for our Irish brothers and sisters experiencing the rescuing power of Jesus!

Jackie Lupien, Life Groups Assistant at St. Benedict Catholic Parish in Halifax, NS reached out saying they plan to bring “this extraordinary news to ALL in our parish starting March 14th.” She went on to tell us she “really believes that our Lord is doing something incredible here at Saint Benedict, and we will be using TRP to ignite even more lives and souls for Him, so that they can become ‘explosively alive missionary disciples’ that go out to rescue others.” Jackie, count on our prayer cover for you and your beloved pastor, Fr. Simon Lobo as you bring the gospel to our Canadian friends!

Exciting news from our dear sister and friend, Monica Oppermann in the Office of Evangelization and Discipleship for the Archdiocese of Atlanta. The chancery will be running The Rescue Project beginning March 2. For eight weeks, they will gather together after Mass, have lunch and experience the gospel together as men and women who faithfully serve the archdiocese. Monica, count on our prayers!
“This is the first time I heard the gospel in a way that resonated with my masculine heart.”