I came across a story some time ago now about a man who set out on retreat at the Abbey of Tamie in the Alps and heard the desperate bleating of a sheep that had strayed and fallen into a pit. The story is told that all night that precious sheep cried, aware that he was in trouble and in need of saving, in need of a shepherd, in need of rescue.
Yesterday we celebrated Ash Wednesday and we proclaimed at Mass my favorite Psalm – Psalm 51, a poignant and powerful Scripture acknowledged as the masterpiece of biblical self-knowledge. “Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness … a clean heart create for me, O God.” That’s my bleating cry, all day every day. I have been, and still am, like that stuck sheep, in a pit, so incredibly aware that there are still places in my life where I’m in need of rescue, areas that I need to hand over to Jesus and invite Him to be LORD again.
As we journey through this season of repentance and conversion, asking God to purify within us all that is not yet holy, may we experience ever more deeply the rescuing power of the Good Shepherd, who goes in search of the one in order that we may be prepared to go out and rescue other bleating sheep, answering the cry of men and women who don’t yet know Jesus and who are growing weary and hopeless trying to rescue themselves.
May our hearts be inspired to pray for the parishes we’re highlighting this week and all those experiencing The Rescue Project, understanding that our prayer impacts every man and every woman in this incredibly fruitful global gospel movement.
Your sister on mission,
Mary Guilfloyle

FEBRUARY 24, 2023 AT 3:30 PM ET.
Please pray for our technology because we really want to chat with all of you!
The Rescue Project draws a full house at Notre Dame Catholic Church in Clarendon Hills, IL with a waitlist of people excited to come to the next round. Fr. Mark Bernhard, we’re praying for you and those you’re taking through the experience.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Parish in Wichita, Kansas
St. Therese the Little Flower Catholic parish in South Bend, IN is launching rescue in a BIG way with four sessions every week! Way to go, Abby Kyle!
We love how Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Grand Rapids is creatively promoting The RescueProject in their parish. Check out these testimonies from the parish staff!

Our friends at St. Joan of Arc in St. Clair Shores, MI sent along this warm video invitation and testimony. We’re covering you all in prayer! Keep the stories coming!
“Fr. John’s capacity to preach the gospel through the kerygma is life-altering. Fr. John and the ACTS XXIX team unpack a variety of ways we can surrender our lives practically and concretely to Jesus and begin to live out our unique station and mission in life, and that process actually gave me new insights and clarity about what my vocational invitation was and for that I’ll be forever grateful.”
Jeff Nelson