My precious mother was called home to Jesus on May 7th, the 5th Sunday of Easter. The days that have followed have been filled with all manner of emotions – from sorrow to gratitude and everything in between. I will miss her every day of my life.
I’m comforted that the Lord took my mom to Himself in this season, when we celebrate for 50 days the Resurrection which is the heart, the core, the center of the gospel proclamation. Death has been defeated, although not yet destroyed. The reality is that no matter how much we may try (and we do try in this culture) to manage death, to control death, to avoid speaking of death, it will come to us all.
But here’s what Fr. John reminds us of in The Rescue Project. He tells us that while death will come for us all, death can’t hold us. It can’t hold you and me, and it can’t hold my mom because God has done something about death. And because He has, my family grieves with great hope, the hope that St. Paul writes about in 1 Thessalonians 4:13: “We do not want you to be uniformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.”
If we’re honest, we’re all grieving something. Perhaps it’s a fractured friendship, a broken marriage, an adult child who’s left the faith, or like me, you may be grieving the loss of your mother. But because Jesus has undone death, we grieve differently than those who do not know Jesus. I may be sorrowful. You may be too. But let us be sorrowful while “always rejoicing” (cf. 2 Corinthians 6:10) in what Jesus has done for us.
Join me and the ACTS XXIX team as we continue to share the gospel with a world that’s grieving in so many ways, and invite those in our lives who need to hear the unthinkable, unimaginable and glorious news that death doesn’t have the last word. Jesus does! Invite someone to The Rescue Project so that they too can be filled with hope.
Enjoy this week’s news about what’s happening with The Rescue Project. There’s some excitement growing in Atlanta, and we want to tell you all about it and encourage you to spread the word and join us!
Your sister on mission,

On Saturday, September 9th, the ACTS XXIX team will be in Atlanta, GA hosting RESCUE Atlanta, a LIVE preaching of The Rescue Project by Fr. John Riccardo.
Our good friend Monica Oppermann, Director of Evangelization Strategies for the Office of Evangelization and Discipleship for the Archdiocese of Atlanta is doing a tremendous job leading the effort. She and her team are eager to create an experience for all of us to be overwhelmed by the gospel, to surrender our lives afresh to Jesus, and to be mobilized for mission.
Our dear brothers and sisters with Damascus Worship will be with us as well to lead us in praise and worship.
To learn more about RESCUE Atlanta, take a look at the story in the Georgia Bulletin.
Invite your friends and family and spread the word. You can also register by visiting ACTS XXIX and clicking on the “Rescue Live” tab in the dropdown box.
We hope to see you there. Start praying now for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Atlanta!

We’ve just made access to The Rescue Project even easier!
Roku TV joins our other free streaming channels
iOS: Apple App Store
We’re excited to announce that our ACTS XXIX channel is now available for free on ROKU!
On your ROKU TV, simply go to home, search channels, enter ACTS XXIX and add channel. Or better yet, simply click HERE!

Please join us for our monthly Live Stream tomorrow, Friday, May 19th at 11 AM EST when we invite you into the conversation about transformation in the Church.
Should you miss our conversation, you can access it at your leisure by visiting
If you’ve witnessed transformation through The Rescue Project, we’d like to invite you to click here to learn how you can help rescue others by your prayerful and financial partnership in the work of ACTS XXIX.
“I still have struggles in my life, but Fr. Riccardo has helped open my eyes to see past them. He’s given me a ‘new lens’ to see through that has revealed my best friend, someone I can talk to every day. His name is Jesus and He loves me more than I could ever imagine. The Rescue Project has changed my life.”
The Rescue Project Participant