“Our birth would have been no gain, had we not been redeemed. O wonder of your humble care for us! O love, O charity beyond all telling, to ransom a slave you gave away your Son!”
This is an excerpt from the deeply stirring and powerful Proclamation that we will hear sung at the start of the Easter Vigil. It’s a mighty hymn of praise that moves the heart to tears and fills us with an abiding confidence in the One who has gone to battle for us, our Rescuer Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Now, upon hearing these words we may be inclined to think that “to ransom a slave you gave away your Son” was a wrathful act. Unfortunately, many commonly misunderstand what Jesus went through as the Father taking out His anger on the Son. Nothing could be farther from the truth! Rather, this was a divine conspiracy of love born in the heart of the Father to liberate His sons and daughters from the satanic rule of the enemy in order to set us free from the chains of this supreme tyrant’s kingdom.
This is the story The Rescue Project unpacks for us, the only story that has the power to change our lives and in a particular way allow us to experience the life-changing events of these most holy days in an entirely new way. Our prayer at ACTS XXIX is that The Rescue Project will help us deepen and renew our understanding of what happened two millennia ago – the undertaking of the greatest rescue mission of all time – a story that’s simply beyond our wildest imagination and changes the very meaning of death forever.
As we witness again the King of the Universe emerging from hell with the battle flag of victory and those who had been held captive in hand, may we celebrate Easter as never before with hearts filled with gratitude for His love, His power and His glory as we proclaim, “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” 1 Cor. 15:55.
Triduum blessings, my friends!
Your sister on mission,
There’s quite a bit of exciting news around ACTS XXIX these days. We’re thrilled to share with you that we’re moving into international mission territory in 2024!

We’ll start in May in British Columbia. At present it looks like we’ll have three events in beautiful Vancouver: a RESCUE Vancouver revival, a RESCUE School for priests and lay men and women, and a retreat for the priests of the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Come, Holy Spirit!
Meet our ACTS XXIX Intern from the Diocese of Kerry, Ireland
We’re excited to introduce you to our first international intern with ACTS XXIX. Meet Deacon Mark Moriarty from the Diocese of Kerry. Deacon Mark will be joining us for two months right after Easter before heading back to Ireland to be ordained to the ministerial priesthood.
Deacon Mark brought The Rescue Project to his parish in Tralee, where he witnessed the gospel have an incredible impact on God’s people. One person remarked at the conclusion of the series, “I am only now realizing that I have a future and that I have worth.” This is what the power of the gospel does – it transforms lives.
Deacon Mark has invited us to Ireland in the fall of 2024 to bring The Rescue Project to more people on the Emerald Isle. Trust me, our arms didn’t need to be twisted to say “yes” to this amazing invitation.
Please hold Deacon Mark in prayer as he approaches his ordination this summer.
In between these exciting opportunities to bring the gospel abroad, ACTS XXIX is finalizing discussions with a diocese in California. Stay tuned for more details soon!

FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 2023 AT 1:30 PM ET.
Fr. John and I always look forward to connecting with you as we talk about transformation in the Church. Please mark your calendars and join us.
“The Rescue Project is such a great experience! It’s totally changing the way I approach Holy Week and understand what Jesus was doing.”
a Catholic priest ordained 30+ years